Monday, 27 October 2014

"Nothing in this world was more difficult than love. "
— Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez

"But I think our childhood is more decisive than people generally are willing to admit. And what happens to us later can either cast a shadow or shine a light on what’s already been created — or ruined — within us. "
— Ingmar Bergman, from an INTERVIEW

"Women hear it all the time from men. “You’re overreacting,” we tell them. “Don’t worry about it so much, you’re over-thinking it.” “Don’t be so sensitive.” “Don’t be crazy.” It’s a form of gaslighting — telling women that their feelings are just wrong, that they don’t have the right to feel the way that they do. Minimizing somebody else’s feelings is a way of controlling them. If they no longer trust their own feelings and instincts, they come to rely on someone else to tell them how they’re supposed to feel. "

"And I know, undoubtedly, that I will love you forever. It’s just strange to think it won’t be the way I love you now."
— It’s Odd to Move On

"You’ve never asked me for anything,
And every second of everyday,
I find that I want to give you everything."
— It’s What You Deserve

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